Elenco Plugin installati

Plugin ATTIVI - Descrizione
@ Advanced Custom Fields 6.3.3 by WP Engine
Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.

@ Custom Post Type UI 1.17.1 by WebDevStudios
Admin UI panel for registering custom post types and taxonomies

@ Duplicate Page 4.5.3 by mndpsingh287
Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts using single click.

@ Dynamic.ooo - Dynamic Content for Elementor 2.13.11 by Dynamic.ooo
Building powerful websites by extending Elementor. We give you over 150 features that will save you time and money on achieving complex results. The only limit is your imagination.

@ Dynamic Visibility for Elementor 5.0.13 by Dynamic.ooo
Visibility rules for widgets, containers, sections, columns or pages with advanced conditions and removing the element from the DOM.

@ Easy Custom Sidebars 2.0.1 by Titanium Themes
Replace any sidebar/widget area in any WordPress theme (no coding required).

@ Elementor 3.23.3 by Elementor.com
The Elementor Website Builder has it all: drag and drop page builder, pixel perfect design, mobile responsive editing, and more. Get started now!

@ Elementor Datepicker Localization 1.3.0 by Creame
Load current site locale for Elementor form datepicker.

@ Elementor Pro 3.21.2 by Elementor.com
Elevate your designs and unlock the full power of Elementor. Gain access to dozens of Pro widgets and kits, Theme Builder, Pop Ups, Forms and WooCommerce building capabilities.

@ EWWW Image Optimizer 7.8.0 by Exactly WWW
Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.

@ Image Widget 4.4.9 by The Events Calendar
A simple image widget that uses the native WordPress media manager to add image widgets to your site.

@ iubenda | All-in-one Compliance for GDPR / CCPA Cookie Consent + more 3.10.6 by iubenda
The iubenda plugin is an all-in-one, extremely easy to use 360° compliance solution, with text crafted by actual lawyers, that quickly scans your site and auto-configures to match your specific setup. It supports the GDPR (DSGVO, RGPD), UK-GDPR, ePrivacy, LGPD, USPR, CalOPPA, PECR and more.

@ Menu Icons 0.13.15 by ThemeIsle
Spice up your navigation menus with pretty icons, easily.

@ PDF viewer for Elementor 2.9.3 by RedLettuce Plugins
This plugin helps you embed PDF documents to Elementor quickly and easily.

@ Plugins List 2.7 by David Artiss
Allows you to insert a list of the WordPress plugins you are using into any post/page.

@ Post Type Switcher 3.3.1 by Triple J Software, Inc.
A simple way to change a post's type in WordPress

@ Search & Filter 1.2.16 by Code Amp
Search and Filtering system for Pages, Posts, Categories, Tags and Taxonomies

@ Search Exclude 2.1.2 by QuadLayers
Hide any page or post from the WordPress search results by checking off the checkbox.

@ Sidebar Login 3.0.1 by Mike Jolley
Easily add an ajax-enhanced login widget to the sidebar of your WordPress site.

@ Simple Blog Stats 20240621 by Jeff Starr
Provides shortcodes and template tags to display a variety of statistics about your site.

@ TablePress 2.3.2 by Tobias Bäthge
Embed beautiful and interactive tables into your WordPress website’s posts and pages, without having to write code!

@ TablePress Extension: Responsive Tables 1.8 by Tobias Bäthge
Extension for TablePress that adds several modes for responsiveness of tables

@ Timber 1.22.1 by Jared Novack + Upstatement
The WordPress Timber Library allows you to write themes using the power of Twig templates.

@ UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore 1.24.3 by UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson
Backup and restore: take backups locally, or backup to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV & email, on automatic schedules.

@ Watu Quiz by Kiboko Labs
Create exams and quizzes and display the result immediately after the user takes the exam. Watu for WordPress is a light version of WatuPRO. Check it if you want to run fully featured exams with data exports, student logins, timers, random questions and more. Free support and upgrades are available. Go to Watu Settings or Manage Your Exams

@ WPCode Lite 2.2.0 by WPCode
Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert scripts to the header and footer, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel, custom content, and more.

@ WP Rocket by WP Media
The best WordPress performance plugin.

@ WP User Profile Avatar 1.0.1 by WP Event Manager
WP User Profile Avatar allows you to change the default WordPress avatar or User profile picture. You can use any photos uploaded into your Media Library or use a custom photo URL as an avatar instead of using Gravatar.

Plugin DISATTIVATI Descrizione
@ Check & Log Email 1.0.10 by checkemail
Check & Log email allows you to test if your WordPress installation is sending emails correctly and logs every email.

@ Childify Me 1.2.3 by Rocco Aliberti
Create a child theme from the Theme Customizer panel

@ Embed Calendly 3.7 by Embed Calendly, Shycoder
Easy and simple way to embed Calendly scheduling pages on WordPress.

@ Icegram Express - Email Subscribers, Newsletters and Marketing Automation Plugin 5.7.11 by Icegram
Add subscription forms on website, send HTML newsletters & automatically notify subscribers about new blog posts once it is published.

@ Image Optimizer by Elementor – Compress, Resize and Optimize Images 1.3.0 by Elementor.com
Automatically compress and enhance your images, boosting your website speed, appearance, and SEO. Get Image Optimizer and optimize your images in seconds.

@ Loco Translate 2.6.7 by Tim Whitlock
Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress

@ Ultimate Member 2.8.6 by Ultimate Member
The easiest way to create powerful online communities and beautiful user profiles with WordPress

@ YellowPencil 7.5.7 by WaspThemes
The most powerful visual CSS editor for WordPress. Customize any theme and page visually without coding.


Tariffe Scuola | Quota Iscrizione

Anno Scolastico: 2024/25
Importo quota iscrizione

Modalità e scadenze pagamento 1° Anno

La quota d'iscrizione deve essere pagata all'atto di presentazione della domanda mediante bonifico bancario, i cui estremi della banca di appoggio della scuola sono riportati nella sezione "estremi amministrativi\Banca di appoggio".

Modalità e scadenze pagamento 2° / 3° Anno

La quota d'iscrizione verrà addebitata sul conto corrente (SDD)
in data: 31 Gennaio 2024

Tariffe PRE/POST Scuola

Anno Scolastico: 2023/24
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